The third 1vyG summit is hosted at the University of Pennsylvania

The third summit was held at the University of Pennsylvania and featured a variety of discussions and workshops on topics that are crucial for FGLI students, such as finding the right academic advisor and navigating college social life. Brian Peterson, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, spoke about his own experience as a FGLI student and the challenges that he faced. He emphasized the importance of opportunities, rather than the so-called "achievement gap" between different student groups. Wil Del Pilar, vice president of higher education policy and practice at The Education Trust, also discussed the challenges that FGLI students face and urged them to serve as educational advocates. Students who attended the conference said that they appreciated both the formal programming and the connections they made with their peers. Katelyn Liston, a freshman at Carnegie Mellon University, said that she gained the most from speaking to her fellow students. "The fact that we all can come together and discuss these events really freely and openly and feel comfortable doing so is absolutely incredible and amazing," she said.


In partnership with student groups across universities, EdMobilizer kicks off the Full Disclosure campaign

EdMobilizer organizes a coalition of student groups from 12 top colleges and universities to ask for transparency in the admission process, particularly around legacy admission policies. The campaign, called #FullDisclosure, asks universities to publish all internal information about legacy admission policies and form committees of students, administrators and alumni to reconsider the use of legacy status in admissions, noting that the common argument that legacy admission policies encourage alumni to donate to their alma maters is false, citing a study that found "no short-term measurable reduction in alumni giving as a result of abolishing legacy preferences." The campaign aims to start a conversation about admission policies and ensure equal opportunities for all students.


